Above: this is a design concept for the logo of Panic Attack Press (© B-water Press).
Below are some examples of concept art I did at edgi. After coming up with the aphorisms I usually worked with the owner of the company and I would draw various quick thumbnail sketches until I hit upon something he liked. At that point I'd hand it off to a member of the art team to run with and we'd rework the design to get it to a final piece that the owners liked. It really was a team effort which I enjoyed a great deal.
All aphorisms and art © edgi
Aphorism: "Afflicted With Genius"

This one was tough, since visualizing genius as an affliction was kind of challenging. I came up with this aphorism though, so I kind of had an idea in mind for the visualization. I'm not happy with the font of the words- if I were to revisit this that would change.
Final colored artwork made by
Cody Garcia
Many times I'd make several sketches until I hit upon something liked by the owners. Below are a couple of examples of my quick sketches which illustrate the process of getting to a final design.
Aphorism: I'm Having An Emotional Orgy
Instruction: Have a naked tattooed woman in the image

1) Above: first image drawn and used as a stepping stone to get to the final design.

2) Above: the final thumbnail approved by the owner.

3) Final colored artwork made by
Chris Ortega
Aphorism: Victim of Bliss

1) Above: first thumbnail used as a stepping stone to get to final design.

2) Above: final approved concept design.

3) Final colored artwork made by
Alisa Christopher