This site offers challenges to redesign famous comic book characters and there is a whole bunch of amazing art up there with some really awesome redesigns!
So, they had a contest to redesign Spider-Man's costume, and below is my submission...

Now, since I seem to put a lot of emphasis on story, there is a robust description of exactly what this suit is all about. It is probably a case of function over form...I don't decide:
Spider-Man Costume Redesign Details:
This costume is an extension of the concept that Peter Parker is gifted in the areas of science and engineering, having designed and built web-shooters and spider-tracers as a teenager (two very subtly complex devices). Taking that aspect of Peter’s character into account, and assuming that if Peter were to redesign his costume he'd add new functionality and not simply alter his look, this costume is solar powered, able to absorb any type of light into the extreme black of the spider insignias on the front and back of the costume. The webs that cover the entirety of the costume function as the power source used to keep charged five small robotic spiders that can crawl around Peter’s body. Each of the five robotic spiders (designed by Peter and built with a little help from Reed Richards) is fitted with robust artificial intelligence and respond to voice commands directed at the individual names given to each (Ben, May, Gwen, Flash and Robbie).
Each robotic spider has mobility and dexterity similar to a real spider.
Each robotic spider is equipped with a stinger that can be used during battle. If Spider-Man and his opponent are locked in a fight the spiders can crawl on to the opponent and use their stingers as a distraction to help Spider-Man.
Each spider is also fitted with cameras and microphones, which can be used to spy and listen to his opponent’s conversations. Transmitters allow Pete to hear and see through the spider he chooses with small headphones and a display in the left eyepiece of his mask, all activated through voice command. The transmitters also provide “spider-tracer” capability. Any of the spiders can be thrown or crawl into any room or onto any person and remain hidden, then crawl back to Peter. In this way, any spider can be used not only as a “spider-tracer” device, but for recon- almost like the rovers NASA has on Mars. The cameras and microphones can also be used to record fights (like a helmet cam, a spider can sit on Pete’s head and record the action for Peter to study later).
Each spider is equipped with its own web-shooter, shooting super thin webbing that allows for conservation of web fluid. This web-shooter can also be used to blind an opponent or plug up their ears or nose by throwing the spider or having it jump onto the opponent.
Any two spiders can be linked together to form a small handheld “smart-phone” type of device allowing Pete to access and interact with the internet at any time and communicate with anyone at any time.
Also, each spider can camouflage itself by changing color through exciting or calming the atoms of its skin
The costume itself is made from a special tight weave Kevlar type of material that provides Pete with some armored protection while also retaining the solar energy collected by the spider insignias (its like a battery as big as the surface area of his whole body, so it can retain a lot of energy). This solar power not only charges the spiders, but powers the video lenses and headphones in Spider-Man’s mask. The suit also automatically regulates Pete’s body temperature, so on hot and humid days it will cool him down and on cold days it will warm him up (no more freezing in the rain or snow). It will also recycle his sweat and retain his body salt, to improve his hydration and stamina in a long conflict.
Finally, like the robotic spiders, the suit itself can change color and work as a type of camouflage. Again this is voice activated. If no voice commands are given the suit will, by default, alter color depending on intensity (blue when things are calm, red when things are intense).